Create High Heel Shoes By Using Sketchup
A7 Shoes
Hello! How are you doing?
Lately, I have a lot of assignments so you will see my frequent posts.
Today, I will show a new interesting model that almost every woman wear them in almost every situation especially when they have to be good-looking.
It is perfect high heel shoes. Anyway, everyone has a different inclination.
They are good-looking in different styles but if there is a suitable pair of high heel shoes.
Perhaps, It's not that bad. Right?
If you want to build this one, you can use the following link.
These instructions are quite complex so, please listen to and look at the video carefully.
When I did this assignment, I forgot to save it. Cause I had to build it again T-T but it was really fun because it let me practice more than usual and got a perfect assignment.
And sometimes I forgot some instructions, it made me had to build it again.
The instructions are quite many so, please build it carefully.
Otherwise, you may have to build it again. :D
And don't forget to share your beautiful model to others to let them know how beautiful your model is.
See you again!