Create House By Using Sketchup
A2 Create house model 1
A3 Create house model 2
Hello! Everyone, glad to see you again.
Last time, I talked about how to make a beautiful cut banana trunk which is folded by banana leaves in order to float in the river called Kratong.
Today, I have a great program to suggest you. It is about basic architecture or simple house design by using convenient instruments and there are a lot of views to see your model.
It's called Sketch-up.
All above is a part of my assignments in Innovation and Technology class by using Sketch-up in order to create my model.
My teacher gives me some interesting videos that show instructions on how to create houses in each style. You also can search others interesting sources on Youtube to build your model.
You can install this program by using the following link :
You also can create a great house by using these videos to guide you.
A2 Create House Model 1
A3 Create House Model 2
You can decorate your model depends on your inclination and don't forget to share your great model to me.
If you face a problem, you can ask me by using the comment box in order to write your problem.
See you later!