Half Lap 2x4 Dining Chair with Sketchup

Create Half Lap 2x4 Dining Chair By Using Sketchup

A9 Half Lap 2x4 Dining Chair

Hi! everyone 
After work, everyone feels tired. So it makes everyone wants to rest, be it traveling, shopping, going for a walk, bathing or cooking at home. 
For me, If I feel tired from school. I will go home and talk with my parents to share my stories that happened at my school and ask for some suggestions from them.
It makes me feel better than when I am at school.
And I'm really happy when my parents drive me to our favourite restaurants.
But sometimes, we will cook dinner at home and have dinner together.
Which it makes me see while we have dinner, there is a broke dining chair near the dining table. Oh, I almost forget to do my assignment.
My teacher just gives me a new model. Alright, these above pictures are my assignment.
It is a dining chair.

That you can try to build it by using the following link in order to guide you well.

If you don't understand steps of how to build the dining chair so please ask me in the comment box. Don't ignore it, I will help you. Just put your problems in the comment box.
Finally, when you finish your dining chair. Just share it with others in order to let them know how beautiful your dining chair is.

See you again!
